Workplace relations and Labour Management 

More than 90 per cent of the Group’s workforce is covered by collective agreements. Agreements typically provide for consultation arrangements relating to significant operational changes. 

We recognise the right of our team members to negotiate collectively with or without the involvement of third parties. We also believe in parties entering good faith collective bargaining to achieve a mutually beneficial outcome.

Information on the workplace relations activity some of our divisions have undertaken in the 2024 financial year is provided below.

Wesfarmers Health

Wesfarmers Health consists of a diverse range of businesses, including wholesale pharmacy, retail, medical aesthetics and digital health. Employees within the Health division are therefore covered by a mix of enterprise agreements, modern awards and contracts of employment.

During the 2024 financial year, Wesfarmers Health renewed two enterprise agreements. Some protected industrial action arose in one matter that was resolved in 2023.

Wesfarmers Health continues to review and update all policies to ensure relevance and alignment.

GRI 3 -3, GRI 2-30, GRI 402-1, GRI 407-1