Bunnings - Health and wellbeing
Bunnings strives to provide a safe working environment to ensure all team members return home safely at the end of their working day.
Bunnings’ total recordable injury frequency rate was 17.0 for the period, compared to 16.5 in the prior corresponding period.
The decline in performance was largely driven by an increase in manual handling injuries reported during the year.
To address the number of total recordable injuries, Bunnings introduced an improved three-year injury prevention program in 2023 with the aim of managing and mitigating injury risk. The program is based on behavioural safety to guide team members and leaders to stop, think and act before commencing tasks that could result in an injury. The program encourages leaders to identify and rectify injury hazards to make the workplace safer. Injury prevention principles have been developed and inform cross-functional activities to reduce the risk of sprain, strain, bruise, crush, fracture or laceration injuries.
The Life Threatening Risk program, designed to manage critical risk, continued to be embedded across the business. This financial year, Bunnings launched life saving controls to manage and mitigate product falling from heights, customer threatening situations, and electrical exposure critical risks. This complements existing life saving controls already embedded for forklift and pedestrian interactions across all sites. Bunnings’ Leaders verify implementation and embedment of the life saving controls biannually. The program and the effectiveness of controls are regularly reviewed to assess and monitor effectiveness.
Should a team member become injured, Bunnings is well resourced to provide a strong and compassionate program of support. This includes early intervention access to a nurse triage service, free doctor and physiotherapy services and a team of injury management advisors to promote recovery at work. During the year, Bunnings added resources for the management of workers compensation claims and adopted a full self-insurance program of work.
Protecting and supporting the mental and physical wellbeing of team members is a high priority for Bunnings. Activities this year included the design and implementation of a new work-focussed injury prevention program, the development of prevention-focussed tools and resources for Bunnings leaders, and improved access and promotion of wellbeing support available to team members. Bunnings also continued to focus on the prevention and management of psychosocial hazards, which has been led by cross-functional working groups tasked with monitoring and addressing identified hazards.
In the year ahead, Bunnings will continue to sharpen its focus on the prevention of fatalities, the elimination of work-related injuries, and the ongoing protection and support of team member wellbeing.
GRI 3-3, GRI 403-1, GRI 403-2, GRI 403-3, GRI 403-4, GRI 403-5, GRI 403-6, GRI 403-7