All aspects of governance are covered in the Corporate Governance Statement.

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Wesfarmers 2024 Corporate Governance Statement
Included in the Corporate Governance Statement:
- The Board of Wesfarmers Limited and the role and responsibilities of Board and management
- Structure and composition of the board
- Risk management
- Investor engagement
- Governance policies
- Ethical and responsible behaviour
The Group’s approach to the governance of sustainability reporting reflects a bottom-up approach whereby the divisions are responsible for preparing specific reports and information in accordance with their material issues identification and reporting
process. The divisions employ or engage subject matter experts to assist with measuring and reporting data relating to the material sustainability issues for the relevant division that have been identified through the materiality process.
The Group requires regular reporting by the divisions about material sustainability issues specific to the division. Divisional Boards provide the initial governance and oversight of the material issues and endorse the reports for submission to Wesfarmers.
Wesfarmers’ Corporate Office consolidates divisional material issues reports, which are submitted for review by the Wesfarmers Limited Audit & Risk Committee and the Board. Corporate and divisions respond to any requests for further information
from the Committee or Board.
The Group’s sustainability assurance auditor provides assurance over the sustainability materiality assessment, sustainability data and sustainability disclosures before publication, as described in the materiality process.
Compliance with applicable legislation
Wesfarmers is required to comply with an extensive range of legislation, including legislation relating to competition, employment law, ethical sourcing and modern slavery, product safety and labelling standards, environmental management, and health and safety. During the 2024 financial year, there were no instances of material non-compliance with applicable legislation. Furthermore, there were no material legal actions for anti-competitive behaviour, anti-trust and monopoly practices during the year.
GRI 2-5, GRI 2-9, GRI 2-10, GRI 2-11, GRI 2-14, GRI 2-15, GRI 2-23, GRI 2-27, GRI 3-3, GRI 206-1, GRI 405-1, GRI 415-1