Diversity and inclusion

We aim to have a workforce that reflects the communities we serve. Our customers and stakeholders are diverse and to gain the best insights into their needs and expectations and develop effective solutions, we require diverse and inclusive teams. 

Wesfarmers strives to provide an inclusive work environment where everyone feels respected and safe. All team members must act in accordance with the principles of the Wesfarmers Code of Conduct and the Wesfarmers Diverse, Inclusive and Respectful Workplaces Policy and our businesses must incorporate these principles into their policies and procedures.

Wesfarmers is a member of various expert diversity and inclusion research organisations, including the Diversity Council of Australia, and shares best practice and research across the Group.

Our commitment to diversity and inclusion extends to all people and the businesses focus efforts on initiatives relevant to their workforce, industry and the communities in which they operate. At Group, we focus on two areas: gender balance and increasing the employment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Measurable objectives for inclusion, gender balance and gender equity

The Wesfarmers Diverse, Inclusive and Respectful Workplaces Policy requires the Board to set measurable objectives that are reported in the Corporate Governance Statement each year. The objectives, which are used to measure progress and are reviewed annually by the Board, are:

  • to be and to offer an inclusive workplace
  • to ensure equitable and transparent people processes and practices
  • to increase or sustain gender representation to achieve gender balance in teams.

Across the Group, each division develops its own diversity and inclusion strategy tailored to the specific objectives of that division. Some areas of focus from across the Group are outlined below. For more information on the businesses’ diversity and inclusion focus areas and initiatives, refer to the divisional pages here.

Summary of measurable objectives, selected actions and success measures

Gender pay equity

Wesfarmers is committed to pay equity. Our definition of pay equity is that team members, regardless of gender, should receive equal remuneration for work of equal value. When setting and reviewing team member pay, reference is given to market forces, including different rates of pay in different industries and locations, the relative supply and demand for different qualifications, talent or specialist skills and individual performance and experience. Reference is also given to relevant collective agreements, as required. 

In line with Wesfarmers’ commitment to pay equity, a Group review of our salaried workforce’s gender pay equity has been conducted annually since 2010. This review focuses specifically on salaried team members as our other team members are remunerated according to the applicable enterprise agreements or award rates, which do not differ by gender. Each divisional managing director reviews the results for their division, with the Group Managing Director and the Wesfarmers Board reviewing the results at an overall Group level. We are committed to understanding any gaps and areas of concern are subject to further scrutiny, discussion with the Wesfarmers Board and, where warranted, action.

 We have a fundamental commitment to increasing the female representation amongst our leaders and an overall objective of achieving gender balance. We remain committed to improving our gender equity across the Group and through this, reducing the gender pay gap.

Read the Wesfarmers Gender Pay Statement for the 2023-24 WGEA Reporting here





GRI 3-3, GRI 405-1, GRI 406-1