Bunnings - Nature and biodiversity
As a leading retailer of home improvement and outdoor living products, Bunnings is committed to ensuring all timber and wood products originate from legal and well-managed forest operations.
To reduce the impacts to nature and biodiversity associated with the procurement of forest timber products, Bunnings’ Responsible Timber Sourcing Policy seeks to exclude sources derived from deforestation and natural forest conversion. This is achieved by requiring that all natural forest timber products originate from independently certified forests in line with the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®), Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) or another equivalent standard.
Bunnings recognises forest certification as an important tool to combat deforestation, as it provides independent assurance that the forest is being managed in a way that preserves biological diversity and benefits the lives of local communities and workers, while also sustaining economic viability.
During the 2024 financial year, Bunnings continued to conduct due diligence to monitor and improve timber supplier performance in accordance with its policy. Bunnings’ Responsible Timber Sourcing Survey is conducted quarterly by suppliers of new timber, wood, or fibre products to Bunnings to capture the timber species, country of harvest, forest type, country of manufacture, applicable timber certification and product claims. This includes timber pulp and paper, component and composite products that have a percentage of timber inputs.
Bunnings recognises the critical role that forests play in mitigating climate change and biodiversity loss. Bunnings remains focussed on sustainable timber procurement and its impacts on the natural environment, and continued to engage closely with government, industry and environmental non-government organisations.
In the year ahead, Bunnings will continue to work with its timber supply chains to enhance transparency of timber sourcing data, in readiness for more expanded reporting and monitoring of related impacts.