WesCEF - Nature

The supply of water and management of wastewater is a business-critical requirement for WesCEF at CSBP's Kwinana site in Western Australia. The effective management of water availability and reliability, as well as wastewater treatment options, has the potential to lower costs and increase environmental compliance, plant reliability and business growth opportunities.

Introduced in 2023, a pilot groundwater system at CSBP Kwinana removed approximately 950kg of nitrogen from contaminated groundwater this year. Extracted groundwater is treated through the site’s nitrogen removal wetlands. Learnings from the pilot will be incorporated into the development of an ongoing remediation program. 

WesCEF continues to support the Western Australian Government’s Water Corporation’s Kwinana Water Recycling Plant expansion and confirmed an increased water allocation, with plans to use the recycled water for current and future operational requirements. This will help reduce CSBP Kwinana’s reliance on existing groundwater sources.