Fostering Worker Wellbeing: Wesfarmers Health's Effective Community Engagement

Team members in a meeting room

Throughout the year, Wesfarmers Health collaborated with Australian Red Cross, aiming to boost workers’ knowledge of workplace protections through the promotion of the Work Right Hub (Hub).

Wesfarmers Health promoted the Hub with a select group of domestic suppliers and factories with the goal of informing and empowering workers. It worked closely with the Australian Red Cross to tailor the messaging on promotional material for the Hub to suit the Australian manufacturing context.

Australian Red Cross has identified the Hub as Australia's first digital platform designed to prevent and address criminal labour exploitation. The Hub platform, developed in consultation with individuals and industry, achieves this by empowering and educating migrant communities, workers, and front-line responders so that they are able to identify and address modern slavery indicators and access avenues of support.  These groups have also been involved in training and information sessions in relation to the Hub.

A select group of Wesfarmers Health's Own Brand supply chain workers in Australia can now anonymously access the Hub's multilingual decision tree tool by scanning a QR code. This tool enables them to discover available services, view videos of others who have received support, and easily access information on workplace rights and protections.

Looking ahead to the next reporting period, Wesfarmers Health is committed to further developing the Hub in collaboration with Australian Red Cross. The company aims to explore more innovative ways to engage with key community organisations and provide support not only to workers within its supply chain but also to the broader community they reside in.

This ongoing initiative reflects Wesfarmers Health's dedication to engaging the community for the betterment of worker welfare.