Wesfarmers OneDigital - Ethical sourcing
OneDigital is committed to working with its suppliers in accordance with international human rights obligations, the principles of sustainable development and in compliance with applicable laws.
The Wesfarmers OneDigital business division, which includes Catch, OnePass and OneData, was established on 1 July 2022. During the 2023 financial year, the focus of OneDigital’s ethical sourcing efforts was on developing a OneDigital Ethical Sourcing Program designed to meet the minimum standards outlined in the Wesfarmers Ethical Sourcing and Modern Slavery Policy.
Achievements in the financial year include:
- A OneDigital Ethical Sourcing Code (ESC) was adopted, which includes minimum ethical sourcing standards that suppliers must meet as a condition of doing business with OneDigital. The ESC incorporates standards relating to the core labour standards established by the International Labour Organization, human rights as set out in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, modern slavery, business integrity and environmental protection.
- The OneDigital Ethical Sourcing Program Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) was developed, which defines the roles, responsibilities and processes within the OneDigital Ethical Sourcing Program. A central component of the SOP is the ethical sourcing audit requirements that apply to factories producing Catch own-brand retail merchandise.
- Modern slavery and ethical sourcing training was provided to Catch team members. The training explained the risks Catch faces in modern slavery and ethical sourcing, and how the OneDigital Ethical Sourcing Program works to mitigate those risks.