Circular Head Aboriginal Corporation partnership

Bunnings recognises the importance of supporting Indigenous communities and employment by ranging products that directly engage and benefit Indigenous organisations. This includes partnering with Indigenous organisations and Traditional Owner groups to support strategies that enable them to realise an economic value from Native Title interests in land.
During 2022, a new collaboration was established between Circular Head Aboriginal Corporation (CHAC), Bunnings and Seasol.
Working together, the collaborators are developing a Seasol indoor plant liquid fertiliser made with sea kelp harvested by CHAC.
CHAC is an Indigenous, not-for-profit organisation established in 1994, to represent the Aboriginal people of Circular Head and the nine Aboriginal tribes of northwest Tasmania.
Selina Maguire-Colgrave, Chairperson of CHAC, explains, ‘culture is at the heart of all we do at CHAC. It informs our operations and guides our direction’. CHAC’s vision is to embrace culture, leverage ancient practice and empower future Indigenous leaders. It promotes sustainable management of natural resources to provide training and employment opportunities for future generations.
Together, Bunnings and Seasol are working with CHAC to bring this product to life.
The collaboration will enable CHAC to employ local Indigenous people to harvest kelp, which will be purchased by Seasol for use as a key ingredient in liquid fertiliser.
Bunnings and Seasol have provided commercial support to CHAC, and the product will be exclusively sold in Bunnings stores once the product is ready for sale to customers. Bunnings and Wesfarmers have also provided financial support to CHAC through the Wesfarmers Building Outstanding Aboriginal Businesses (BOAB) Fund.