Officeworks making a difference to early learning in Angurugu

Across Australia, there is a significant gap in educational standards between students who are living in disadvantaged circumstances and those who are not. This disparity is especially prevalent in remote Indigenous communities, where literacy and numeracy levels are substantially lower than in non-Indigenous communities.
One of Officeworks’ strategic priorities is promoting strong educational outcomes for all Australian students, no matter their circumstances.
In April 2023, the Officeworks Stuart Park store team members in Darwin, supported a local pre-school in the Indigenous community of Angurugu, located 650 kilometres east of the store in the East Arnhem region, Northern Territory. Angurugu School is the first pre-school in the local area and is supported by community Elders and volunteer teachers to enable students to learn about their culture and country in conjunction with early childhood development programs.
To support the pre-school students throughout the year and to cover the cost of educational materials, Officeworks Stuart Park donated over $900 worth of educational and arts and crafts supplies to Angurugu School, including puzzles, activity sets, art smocks, paint sets, scrapbooks and wooden musical instruments. With 17 students at Angurugu School eager to learn, this donation has supported the school to provide access to literacy during the critical early learning phase of these students lives.
Together with decade-long partners, The Australian Literacy and Numeracy Foundation (ALNF) and The Smith Family, Officeworks continues to identify opportunities and causes that support students who need it most. This includes helping to raise language, literacy and numeracy standards in Indigenous communities across Australia through its partnership with ALNF and by helping to cover educational costs, such as books, excursions and uniforms through its work with The Smith Family.
During the 2023 financial year, thanks to the generosity of their team and customers, Officeworks has helped 7,640 Australian students with sponsorships and educational resources and has raised $2.1 million through its Literacy is Freedom and Back to School Appeals.
As part of its People and Planet Positive commitments, Officeworks set a target of helping 30,000 students who need it most by 2025. During the last financial year, Officeworks supported 16,194 students across Australia and has surpassed its 2025 goal by helping 40,000 students across Australia since the 2020 financial year.
In the 2024 financial year, Officeworks will continue to work with ALNF, The Smith Family and local organisations to support them to provide strong educational outcomes and continue to work towards its commitment of helping Australian students who need it most by 2025.