WesCEF - Workplace relations and labour management
WesCEF is committed to being an employer of choice and ensuring its team members are working in a positive and inclusive work environment that is reflective of the diverse communities in which WesCEF operates.
More than 1,500 team members are invited to participate in an annual engagement survey to inform WesCEF what is working well for them and where the business needs to take action to continue to offer an engaging work environment. The feedback from the annual survey guides efforts to enhance WesCEF’s workplace by prioritising what matters to its team members.
WesCEF enhanced its team member recognition program, Thanks, by streamlining the nomination process by which team members can thank their colleagues for their valuable behaviour or actions, with a 28 per cent increase in nominations across the division compared to the previous year. Across WesCEF businesses, 470 nominations were received with 53 individuals/teams receiving awards at an awards ceremony in December 2022.
WesCEF continually monitors the external landscape to ensure it is implementing changes instigated by industrial workplace reforms that are designed to protect team members. Throughout the 2023 financial year, WesCEF continued to focus on greater transparency and governance of its employment practices and held its inaugural industrial relations reform information session for senior leaders to create awareness of the dynamic industrial environment in which businesses like WesCEF operate.