Bunnings - Nature and biodiversity
As a leading retailer of home improvement and outdoor living products, Bunnings is committed to ensuring all timber and wood products originate from legal and well-managed forest operations.
To reduce the risks associated with uncertified, natural forest timber procurement, Bunnings requires all natural forest timber products to be independently certified to the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®), Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) or another equivalent standard, in line with the Bunnings’ Responsible Timber Sourcing Policy. During the 2023 financial year, Bunnings worked closely with the two remaining provisionally approved timber supply chains to complete their transition to meet the policy requirements.
Bunnings continued to conduct due diligence to monitor timber supplier performance in accordance with its policy. Bunnings’ Responsible Timber Sourcing Survey is conducted quarterly by suppliers of new timber, wood or fibre products to Bunnings to capture the timber species, country of harvest, forest type, country of manufacture, applicable timber certification and product claims. This includes component and composite products that have a percentage of timber inputs.
In March 2022, Bunnings notified affected suppliers that any timber or timber products sourced from Russia, Belarus and conflict areas of Ukraine would be excluded from Bunnings’ supply chain. During the 2023 financial year, Bunnings worked closely with a small number of suppliers to complete this goal, with all affected suppliers now transitioned to alternative sources.
Bunnings also continued to explore the expansion of its responsible sourcing program, completing a materiality assessment of key raw material commodities that may be associated with emerging global environmental or social risks.
In the year ahead, Bunnings will commence work to develop a strategy and roadmap to improve supply chain transparency of key raw material commodities in products across the network.