Our Reporting
This website details the sustainability performance of Wesfarmers Limited (ABN 28 008 984 049) and its wholly owned subsidiary companies for the year ended 30 June 2022 (unless otherwise specified). It presents how we performed, the value we created and our plans, focusing on those material issues that matter most to us, our stakeholders and our business.
Wesfarmers has a long track record of reporting transparently on our sustainability performance. We believe sustainability is about understanding and responsibly managing the ways we impact the communities and environments in which we operate. We take a holistic approach to ensure we look after the interests of our stakeholders – our team members, customers, suppliers and communities – acting honestly and ethically in everything we do. We recognise we can only achieve our corporate objective of providing a satisfactory return to shareholders over the long term if we do all these things.
At Wesfarmers, sustainability is a critical, Board-level, governance and strategic issue. Management is responsible for assessing and managing sustainability risks and opportunities. The Wesfarmers Board and the divisional boards have oversight of these risks and opportunities.
This website is aimed at a broad range of stakeholders, including team members, customers, suppliers, investors, lenders, community members, governments, non-government organisations and opinion leaders in the fields of sustainability and business responsibility.
Our previous reports can be viewed here.
All dollar figures are expressed in Australian dollars (AUD) unless otherwise stated.
All references to ‘Indigenous’ people are intended to include Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people.
GRI 102-20, GRI 102-29, GRI 102-31, GRI 102-32, GRI 102-49, GRI 102-50, GRI 102-51, GRI 102-52, GRI 103-2, GRI 103-3