Team member engagement
At Wesfarmers, we believe that engaged teams enable divisional performance and shareholder return. Wesfarmers’ businesses survey their team members to determine levels of engagement annually – through full engagement surveys or targeted pulse surveys. Our businesses follow up with action plans to respond to survey feedback, recognising and building on their strengths and addressing areas for improvement. The results of the engagement surveys and the progress on action plans are shared with team members. Overall, engagement scores remained stable over the last year, with Wesfarmers team members showing levels of engagement broadly on par with Australian benchmarks1. In particular, engagement results for 2021 reflected strengths in health and safety confidence, genuine care for team member wellbeing and diversity, inclusion and belonging.
1 Benchmark 67% - Culture Amp Australia 1000+ all industries January 2021 - December 2021
GRI 103-1, GRI 103-2, GRI 103 -3