Officeworks - Health, safety and wellbeing
The safety, health and wellbeing of team members and customers is Officeworks’ number one priority. Officeworks’ goal is to make sure that everyone arrives home safely after working, shopping or visiting the business, free from any kind of harm or injury.
Officeworks recognises that the health and safety of its team is not just about physical wellbeing, but also supporting team members to achieve positive mental health and wellbeing outcomes. This enables Officeworks team members to bring their best selves to work, every day.
In the past year, Officeworks has continued to see improvement in its safety performance, with its total recordable injury frequency rate (TRIFR) reducing to 5.8. This means that during the past 12 months, 58 team members have lost one or more shifts due to an injury at work. While one injury is one too many, a TRIFR of 5.8 represents a 4.9 per cent improvement when compared to the previous year. Contributing to these results was the introduction of the full InjuryCARE program to New South Wales and Western Australian sites.
Additionally, the Injury Prevention program was released to Officeworks store-based team members and included fact sheets designed to be displayed as quick reference guides on staying safe at work with supporting educational videos that are accessible to all team members.
To further elevate a safety-first culture, Officeworks commenced a safety behaviour program, Switch On. This involved team members from the Leadership Team, store operations and supply chain, and provided resources to help develop and sustain a safety culture of awareness, accountability and courage.
Officeworks’ health and wellbeing program, Your Best Life, continued this year and team members were provided tools, resources and initiatives to improve wellbeing. The Moving Mindz 2.0 eight-week wellbeing challenge inspired over 2,400 team members from across the business to participate in the program. Moving Mindz 2020 received a highly commended in the National Safety Awards of Excellence, Best Wellbeing Program category (December 2021) by The National Safety Council of Australia.
Other safety, health and wellbeing initiatives included running the Springfox Resilience Program for senior leaders, virtual mental health training workshops for people managers and monthly wellbeing webinars for team members covering topics, including nutrition, fatigue, financial wellbeing, mindset, relationships and mental fitness workshops.
During the period, Officeworks continued to provide a COVID-safe working and shopping environment, with all sites operating in accordance with public health orders throughout the 2022 financial year. COVID-safe plans were regularly reviewed and updated throughout the year to reflect the ongoing changes in restrictions and definitions in the various states and territories.
Officeworks continues to foster an environment where safety is viewed beyond the risk of physical harm, building a psychologically safe workplace where its team members feel comfortable to speak-up if they are not okay, from either a physical or mental health perspective. This includes reducing mental health stigma by encouraging everyday conversations of care as well as acknowledging days of significance, such as R U OK? Day.
In the coming year, Officeworks will continue to invest in its team members to ensure they are safe, well and empowered to live their best life. Officeworks will continue to implement its behaviour safety program, Switch On, across the business and identify additional opportunities that provide a safe working and shopping environment. Officeworks will continue to invest in and encourage team members to participate in programs and conversations that promote good health and wellbeing outcomes, including through new tools such as a health, safety and wellbeing portal.

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