COVID-19 Update
COVID-19 presents an unprecedented and extraordinary challenge for our community, our businesses, our teams and our customers. Across the Wesfarmers Group, we are responding in many ways, reducing the risks across our business. Where possible, this includes working from home. It also includes strategies to help our businesses operate in a safe way, and meet the demand from large and small customers for a diverse range of essential products.
Updated registered office details due to COVID-19
Following Government recommendations in relating to COVID-19, the registered office of Wesfarmers Limited and all public companies in the Wesfarmers Group will be operating with limited staff, and all visitor and public access will be temporarily restricted until further notice.
Please call 08 9327 4211 to speak to reception.
You can email if you have any enquiries out of office hours.
Service of any document or process for Wesfarmers Limited and other public companies in the Wesfarmers Group will be accepted by email at while access to the registered office is temporarily restricted.
Below are links to the COVID-19 response across our businesses. ASX announcements relating to COVID-19 updates can be found here.